
Friday, March 25, 2011

Welcome To PES!!!!!

This movie represents young respectful kids listening, learning and having a great attitude towards others and themselves!!!! They do that because it's all part of the Pt England Way! This movie has some special features such as Elvis Presley's "Welcome To My World" track! more importantly, we have snapshot's of us doing the Pt England Way. WELCOME TO OUR WORLD, Pt ENGLAND!!!!


  1. Hey JOSHUA....

    NICE!!! Thats the only way to describe how you captured the eye of how people act and behave at our very WONDERFUL kura ( school ) PT ENGLAND!!! You have even included the parents!!! Like I did on my movie!!! Your movie got my intrest straight away!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and have a fun week at Erene's in the holiday's!!!!

    GOD BLESS...

  2. Hey joshua

    I liked the movie that you took this year it was awesome.It was a good exsample of how to do the point england way.Keep up the good work
    God bless

  3. Hey Joshua!!!
    Nice movie.I really loved it and I cant not wait to see more wrting and work from you and keep up the good
    work Josh.



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